If you represent an organization, business, agency or are an individual committed to the Be Outside Idaho mission, you are invited to become a Partner of Be Outside Idaho. There is no cost to join!
Together we share resources, organize community events, and provide tools and materials for partners to inspire children and families in their communities to connect to the outdoors, from backyards to mountaintops.
Benefits of Partnering with BOI
Network with others involved in connecting Idahoans to the outdoors or nature.
Collaborate with partners to build a local Be Outside, Idaho chapter or produce a program, activity or project that your group does not have the capacity to do alone—strength in numbers, share resources.
Access to Be Outside, Idaho branding materials—Unplug and Be Outside Week, logo, materials.
Reach a wider audience with news and announcements of your work by sharing it with partners in diverse fields, and posting on the website and social media.
Invitation to participate on one of our committees—share your expertise and learn from your peers. Join one! Health, Communications, Community Officials, Partners and Finance Committees need your participation!
It’s FREE!
+ Idaho Division of Tourism
+ Idaho Parks & Recreation
+ Bureau of Land Management
+ Idaho Fish & Game
+ Idaho Recreational and Park Association
+ Idaho Rivers United
+ Project Learning Tree
+ Land Trust of the Treasure Valley
+ Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association
+ Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
+ Trout Unlimited
+ Idaho Forest Products Commission
+ Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Inc.
+ Foothills Learning Center
+ Boise Watershed
+ Chatcolab Leadership Laboratory
+ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
+ Environmental Resource Center
+ Wild Birds Unlimited
+ Idaho Commission on the Arts
Partner with Be Outside, Idaho!

Tell us what works in your community!